
Karatsuba Algorithm(multiply two num)

Beginning of algorithm

brief intro

The following image is from coursera’s course which is called Divided And Conquer opened from Stanford University.

n = digit
a, b = (digit_1)[0..n/2], (digit_1)[n/2..]
c, d = (digit_2)[0..n/2], (digit_2)[n/2..]



麻煩是在如何計算結果 ex. 123*26 a = 12, b =3
c = 2, d = 6

  1. a*c 後面幾顆 0 = b*c的位數 所以b*c = (int)log(18)+1 = 2
    so a*c = 2400
  2. 3)-2)-1) 的這步運算要到幾位數 = (int)log(a*c) = round(log(2400)) = 3(need 3 digit)
    3)-2)-1) = b*c+a*d = 780(until 3 digit)
  3. b*d = 18
  4. Add all result -> 2400 + 18 + 780 = 3198

ex. 24*39 a = 2, b = 4
c = 3, d = 9

  1. b*d = 36
  2. a*c = 600
  3. bc+ad = 12 + 18 = 300
  4. Add all 936

ex. 99*18 a = 9, b = 9
c = 1, d = 8

  1. b*d = 72
  2. a*c = 900
  3. bc+ad = 9+72 = 810 because round(log(900)) = 3
  4. 1782 ex. 396*2499 a = 39, b = 6
    c = 24, d = 99
  5. b*d = 594
  6. a*c = 936000
  7. bc+ad = 144+3861 = 400500
  8. add all 1,337,094 (出錯) 正確答案為 989,604


值得注意的是中間有ad+bc,但我們不希望有四次乘法運算(如同小學乘法),所以才會有(a+b)(c+d) - b*d - a*c = ad+bc 只計算(a+b)(c+d)的結果然後去減掉前兩個未加位數前的數字
ex. 1234*5678
a*c = 672
b*d = 2652
(a+b)(c+d) = 6164
6164-2652-672 = 2840 (不用乘法)

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