
Master method

Recursion analysis


Using this tool can help us to analyze the recursion problem, divided and conquer to find who is quicker!
We care about more upper bound -> big oh

Recursion algorithm

  1. T(1) -> base case
  2. n>1 T(n)<= aT(n/b)+O(what)

Master method (Master theorem)


black box for solving recurrences.
All subproblems have equal size. ex merge sort 每個都分成n/2
如果有不同size的recursion call 就要用別的方法 不是master method

  1. Base case T(n)<= a constant for all sufficiently small n
  2. For all larger n -> T(n) <= aT(n/b)+O(n^d)
    a is number of recursive calls
    b is split into how many pieces 最好是Strictly bigger than 1 最終會停止recursion
    d is combine step 花多少時間. 老師解釋 exponent in running time of “combine step”
    a, b, d 都是跟size獨立開 沒有關聯


T(n) =

  1. if a = b^d -> O(n^dlogn) base is ignored
  2. if a < b^d -> O(n^d) 最好懂 因為O(n^d) 是除了recursive call之外做的事 如果n^d大於call的次數 代表他花的絕大時間都在做額外事情
  3. if a > b^d -> O(n^(logb(a))) number of leaves 的比例 ? why
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